Tuesday, September 10, 2013

SUNDAY, 8/8/13

     Sunday, 8/8/13 started like any other Sunday in N Texas.  Until,..Linda & I went to Lowe's in North Richland Hills,-after church,- to buy some stuff for our travel trailer. 

     Needing assistance, we approached a young black man who works there.  Immediately, we recognized an African accent.  When Linda asked him where he was from, he replied the Congo, DRC!!!  Imagine our amazement, since that is where I grew up all those years ago,..and returned to visit last year.  This young man lives in Texas with his family, and just was able to bring his grandmother to America last year. 

     What fun we had talking to him about Congo, revolutions, war, the churches, God, and more, and more.  He now works part time at Lowe's, and also preaches some. Oh, I also tried out my Swahili on him,..which was a blast,...

     So, you see, God has His people everywhere,..and what a blessing to meet this man..
Wagezz(Rogers)African name

Thursday, September 5, 2013

     Thoughts and impressions:

     For details on our trip back to the States,..find the appropriate dates blogged, 9.1 & 9./2.  Those were posted 'out of order' earlier in this Blog.  Suffice it here to say, things went well, and we made it home safe and sound,..and exhausted.

     We served over 9300 meals in one week,
     We only had one Team member down with illness, and only for 1/2 day,
     We witnessed two girls come to Christ,
     We all left our hearts among the Ugandan kiddos.

Glory be to God!!

     Final Classic Missions Moment:
     On our last Camp night, we were singing, shouting, & praising the Lord with all 600+ kids.  Suddenly, a shrieking, cutting, shouting, and commotion of a noise broke out close to where I was standing & praying with kids.  Another young girl of about 14 began to manifest with a demon(s),. and was taken by Pastor Frances and other Africans to a private room.  Soon I felt the Lord telling me to go and help.  Myself and several others from our Team,..Brandy, Joseph, Dave, Barrett, & African leaders prayed for her deliverance for about an hour.  Miraculously, she was made calm, and kept repeating the Name, Jesus, Jesus. 
All Hail The Power of Jesus Name!!   Two days later, she appeared at church to thank us and the Lord for helping her. 

Wagezz(Rogers)African names
Watching soccer with African friends....
     Roger with Rita, at church.  She came up thru God Cares system, & is now a beautiful lady.

FRIDAY, 8/30/13
     Last Full Day of Bible Camp 2013

     B/fast, devotions,-much rejoicing for Victory yesterday,- then to Camp.  Great welcome to us, as usual. 
Hung out with kids.  Served rolls, tea, egg, & banana to 612 kiddos.  Then readid for Bible lesson & accompanying craft time.

     Beautiful Uganda morning,..Yesterday by noon the direct sun was brutally intense!!  Today just as bad,...

     Finished Bible lesson on Fruyits of the Spirit.  Kids are tired, but good today.  After Crafts, they spoent an hour writing to their US sponsors.  Also, we met with 16 kids who need sponsors.  I took some pictures to show in the U.S., to try to get sponsors.  I was drawn to one girl who wore an Oklahome State sweatshirt all day.  Linda (my fiance) and I are praying about sponsoring her.

     Later we took a few Group pictures of the whole Camp and our Team.  It was shot on top of what they call Prayer Hill.

     Lunch was served around 12 noon. Florence, pastor Dongo's wife, then fed us a meal she had prepared just for our Mission Team.  Florence is a terrific cook!
  With "Junior" & 3 others at Uganda Bible Camp last day.....

     After lunch we were invited to participate in the killing of chickens for dinner that nite.  Several of our Group had never seen that,-so now they have not onle seen it,..but also DONE IT!!!  As for me, I took a nap.   The afternoon was for Siesta, games, bathing, then dinner.

     The whole camp walked again the mile to the sports field.  We watched 2 soccer games.  A huge rainstorm threatened to wash out dinner,..but it only sprinkled, & then tracked off to the West of camp.
      With Coco, a 12 yr. old girl who is a refugee from Congo.  We've seen her now for 3 yrs.

     I called my fiance, Linda, again for a short 3 minute conversation on the Team Phone.  Little did I know her encouragement would lift and strengthen me for later that evening. (See Mission Moment below).
This being the Final night of Camp 2013, the wrapup got very, very intense in worship & praising God.  Pastor Dongo, Barrett & the Band, & several others spoke Truth over the crowd of kiddos. Got to hotel late, almost 10 pm,..exhausted.

    16 kids needing sponsors.  All sweet kids,....
     Young girl my fiance, Linda, and I are praying about sponsoring,...
  A girl God freed from the manifestation of demon(s),..she committed herself to Christ!!....

Saturday morning we went back just to say goodbye.  The we waited while the kiddos were transported various places. Later 1/2 our Team went to Muzungu Village for souvenir shipping.  Since many of us veterans have been there,-done that,....we went to the Olympia to pack & rest before supper.

     Only 2 more days until we board KLM flights for the 20 hours long flights to Amsterdam and on to Dallas!,.....

Wagezz(Rogers)African name
THURSDAY, 8/28/13
    Uganda God Cares Bible Camp Day Four

     Back to Camp, after hotel b/fast of pineapple, eggs, sausage, & bread.  Great sharing time at Devotions by Team today.

     Weather is overcast, yay,..cuts that amazing African sun,..right here on the Equator!!  Served b/fast to camp kids,..roll, tea, banana.  These kiddos only get 3 meals a day at Camp.  Many go days without food in the bush. 

     Got ready for Todays's Bible lesson for kids.  For Craft we will give each kid a marker & a clean white bandana.  They get to decorate it anyway they want, perhaps with a theme from their lessons, which are on the Fruits of the Spirit.  This is where they get very creative!!
   Facilitator/translator David with girls and their bandanas...

                 With girls & bandanas made at craft time.......

     My facilitator friend, Samuel,-who is a refugee from Congo,-has been an answer to our prayers for him.  Last time I saw him he was so lullen looking, & rarely talked.  He has seen more thanb you or I could even imagine.  God has answered our manyt prayers.  This year he has blossomed into a joyful young man.  I gave him a large wuitcase and some clothes,-including 2 shirts, 2 pants, socks, & t-shirts.  Thank you to all the Donors who make it possible to bless African kids.

     The bandana creating was really enjoyed by the kids.  Yes, pandemonium broke out now & then,..but hey,...This Is Africa!!!
    With friend and namesake, Rogers, at Uganda Bible Camp.....

     Later in morning we all worshipped together with Barrett & the Band.  The kids LOVE Praise & Worship time.

     Classic Africa Missions Moment:
     All of us walked about a mile with the entire Camp group to their soccer field,..for games.  Just arriving, we heard quite a commotion.  A young African asked me to come pray for a young girl who was manifesting with a demon.  God gave me strength to proceed.  Dave & Barrett were already there, and I joined in praying with them and the Africans for her deliverance!   The whole thing seemed so surreal to us Americans,..except that I had seen this many times in my childhood in the Congo.  After much prayer, she calmed down, and was able to sleep.  The girl, who will remain unnamed, is a house worker for someone, and from a Muslim family,..who are also into witchcraft.  God is good, and powerful over all.  Later that day,..she came to Bible Camp, all cleaned up,...and, wanting to tell us 'thank you' for helping her!  God is so good.  She was accepted into the Camp,..fed, watered, and loved on.  Neither Barrett, Dave, or myself had 'done' anything,..it was ALL GOD!!!

Wagezz(Rogers)African name
WEDNESDAY, 8/28/13, God Cares Camp, Kampala, Ugand

     Tuesday nite I got to use the Team cell phone for a 2-3 minute call to my fiance, Linda, In texas.  Fun,,, & so good to hear her voice!!  Last year my International Phone turned out to be wayt too expensive,..so this Ugand MNTN cell phone is a much better option,-even for Internatinal calling.  It works out to a little over $1/minute, which is MUCH cheaper that that International phone was last year-:).  Even 3 minutes or so of hearing from a loved one is sweet!

     Served b/fast, did Praise/Worship, then today's Bible lesson on Fruits of the Spirit.

     Next came prepping for the clothes distribution, jewelry distribution, & shoe distribution. Things were divided into two rooms by size & genbder.  One smaller for the boys, while a larger room for the girls.  The distribution took over 2 hours.  Ladies work with girls, and guys with guys, & I distribute jewelry.  Thanks certainlty go to Kerusso, INc., Ark, USA, & GTLuscombe, Inc. Chicago, IL, & various individual donors for their WONDERFUL donations!!  Approx 620- kids were brought a great deal of joy, thank yous, & smiles.  As I always say,...'helping Uganda's children,....one at a time!"
                  Distributing GTLuscombe Scripture Pens in Uganda God Cares School/Orphanage
                   Scripture Pens for kiddos!!.....
       Distributing Kerusso, Inc. Jewelry to Orphan, with Brandy,-Team Member
With 10 yr. old girls at God Cares School/Orphanage in Uganda, Africa

 After the distributions we served them rice, poshu(a local mix of flower & water), & meat.  The sunb shone bright & bHOT while we served kids, teachers, & leaders,-all outside.  Had barely enough today to serve them all....

    As planned, at 3pm our Team went to our hotel for some much needed R&R!!  At 5pm, our bus took us downtown for a dinner "out".  We returned to hotel Stallion by 9pm.  All of us were ready to sleep.  We will now be ready to serve the final two full days of Camp,....

   Classic Africa Mission Trip MOments
     At the downtown restaurant in Kampal, I couldn't help but remember eatingv there with the Buyamba California group last year.  On a whim I decided to try to fdind Wifi on my cell while at the restaurant.  Yes, I told the Team,..there IS Wifi.  The joke was on me,..as my phone was the ONLTY one that could not connecxt to their Wifi-:(-:(

   Wagezz(Rogers)African name

     After a long but exhilarating day at Camp on MOnday, we returned to the Hotel around 10pm.  Went straight to bed.  Sweet, sweet sleep!!

     Today's Classic Mission Trip story:
      One of my U.S. vendors, Kerusso, Inc., had donated 60 nice cross necklaces to give out in Uganda.  I decided it would be a good idea to give them to the Camp's Small Group Class Facilitators/Translators.  These men & ladies often watch American groups like ours hand out a bunch of stuff to the kids,..while on one reall consiers the 27 Facilitator/Translators.  So, as I handed out the jewelty to them a strange thing happend, - strange that is, unless you grew up in Africa as I did!!!  Thge '27' facilitators swelled to 60!!!  As I love to say, This is Africa!!
         Team Leader, Dave Schmille, napping on bare mattress, God Cares Orphanage/School

      Team Worship Leader, Barrett Snare, napping on bare mattress, God Cares Orphanage/School.
                          Myself,  napping on hard cement floor, with suitcase for headrest...

I'm amazed at the high energy level of activity along Kampala's maibn thoroughfares.  Woe, & it lasts deep into the nbight.  I'm tired & headed to bed.

     Our leader, Dave, announced that due to our long daytime hours, we will leave Camp tomorrow, Wednesday, at 3pm, for a break We'll make a trip to downtown Kampalam for shopping & a nicer dinner.  YAY, Dave!!

Wagezz(Rogers)African name
MONDAY, 8/26, 2013 God Cares Bible Camp:
     Up early at the Hotel Stallion.  Had some quiet time,m tthen b/fast: pineapple, white bread, Nescafe Instant coffee, some kind of egg filled with 'something', and then short sharing of devotions with Team.

     Hotel Stallion, Kampala, Uganda,....OOPS, no Wifi, and no hot water!!  This is Africa!!

     Off to Camp at 7;15am.  Served b/fast to children, thenn praise/worship.  While kids were in small group devotions we prepared for our MOnday Lesson & Crafts for the kids.  They are divided into groups by age,..about 100 in a group.  Ours had 10 year olds.  Pretty roudy, but lots of fun.

     After Lesson time, the older kids were sent to something new this ytear: Sex Education.  Pastor Irene brought a good presentation of issues like abuse, HIV, STD's, and so on.  The kids were very aattentive, & were encouraged to turn in personal questions to Pastor Irene.  Some of their issues were UNBELIEVABLE!!

    Lunchtime, and rain,..in between HOT sun!!  Several of Team watched a cow being slaughterd for dinner tonite,..interesting,..This IS Africa!!

    Afternoons were sports, siesta, small groups, & hanging out with kids.  They love to talk, look at our pictures on phones, & tablets, and to laugh.  They also rub our arms/legs to see if our color comes off,  And, our body hair, too.

    The cow took a LONG time to cook,..so Supper was served after dark, & outside, by flashlights.  Fortunately, no children were burned.

     After dinner is Worship time.  All the kids were PUMPED UP & READY!!  When our worship pastor Barrett took the stage with his guitar,..the 600+ kids went NUTS!!!   Words cannot describe it.  Calling it a Rock Concert isn't reallty good enough.  The so-called Mosh Pit in fr9on of the stage filled with dancing, praising, yellin, swirling kids.  What a rush to join them in going craxy, pra8ising the Lord.  As for me, it was a long time since I'd danced, sang, & praised like that.

     About 9pm, we boarded the bus to the hotel,..To bed & sweet dreams.  5:30am comes early

Wagezz(Rogers)African name

     Up early and ready for church at Pastor Dongo's Kabalagala Pentecostal Church, in Kampala.  Our driver picked us up at 7:45 am for the short ride to church.  This was a BIG day.  One of our Team member, Jena, is announcing her engagement to one of Pastor Dongo's sons, Godfrey, at the end of today's service.  Our team of 16 have been asked to dress up and stand up with Jena during the ceremony, as her family.  (Her American family could not come). 

     In Uganda the Engagement Introduction is a BIG DEAL!!   Lots of happiness, joy, dressing up, singing, dancing, and even a party!  The ceremony itself includes even exchanging of rings,..but the actual Wedding ceremony takes place at a later time.  To us Americans the Intro is just about like a wedding.  What joy filled the faces of Godfrey, Jena, the Africans and our Team!
     The actual announcement/introduction by Pastor Dongo of his son, Godfrey & Jena!
      Exchanging Engagement Rings..

After church we ate at another of our favorite places in Uganda called Chicken Tonite.  It is a rudimentary fast food chicken place.  They have drinks and fried chicken with chips or fries.  While there a downpour arrived with sheets of rain, lightning, & thunder!  We had to wait it out about 2 hours, since we were a mile's walk from our hotel.

     2pm found us all at the God Cares Primary School campus, along with the 600+ kids waiting for a ride to the Camp Campus, at the HIgh School across town.  The process took almost 4 hrs., with numerous trips.  We just hung out and renewed old friendships, and made new ones, too.

     Finally, late Sunday pm, we were able to see the end of the line heading for Camp.  So, we piled our gazzillion bags into God Cares' bus,..then shoved ourselves into the remaining seats or spaces, take your pick.  Trip to God Cares High School took around 2 hrs. thru gridlocked traffic.  Move over Los Angeles!!

     Arrived at Camp to a Rock Star-like reception, 600+ kids, screaming our names, yelling, beating on the bus & rushing the doors!!!  Each of us could only jump into a sea of smiling, squealing faces.  Hugs, kisses, more hughs, & more kisses.  What a tumultuous welcome!!  "If this doesn't raise your heartbeat, you'd better check to make sure you have one!", I remarked to our Team.  This too, is Africa!!

     Camp looked like mass organised confusion.  We hung out with the kids, ...these kids remembering EVERY word one speaks,..so we had to stay on our toes!!!-:)
                  The crush of exuberant Campers.....
After a long day we said goodbye and headed back to our hotel nearby.  Another rock star moment broke out!!  ALL of us had to run the gauntlet to make it to our bus.

     Upon arriving at the Hotel Stallion,-on the outskirts of Kampala, -we found it better, with nbicer rooms, BUT one major issue for us "connected" Americans, NO WIFI!!  Oh the anxst, and the gnashibng of teeth among the Team!!  Ovviously, we'll live with it, oh, hot water is a rarity too This is Africa.

     We setled gratgefully into our beds, after a long Sundayt.

Amazing Mission Story:
     As our Team was trapped in a HOT bus, crawling thru Kampala traffic,..we became, shall we say, just a bit testy!!  Finding our bus surrounded by people on foot, or motbikes, we were gthe target of requests for anything & everything.  One of our veteran, most loved Team mebers grabbged a Pop Tart from her pack & gave it to a man outside her window,..with the word, "God Cares!".  Mission Teams being Mission Teams, that little interaction led to a great series of one-liners throughout the Team.  Our laughter at the irony of the Americans in a God Cares bus, giving a man a Pop Tart kep us laughing for days.  Go figure,..-:)

Wagezz(Rogers) African name


     Arrived into Entebbe airport at about 10:45pm local time,..after nearly 20 hours of flying.  Cleared customs, and found that all of our Ministry Bags (35) had arrived but one.  Met Pastor Dongo and his sweet wife, Florence,..and our bus driver, Samuel.  Great to renew old friendships. 

     After piling all our belongings and ourselves into a 35 passenger bus, we headed out for the 45 minute drive from Entebbe to Kampala,..and the Olympia Hotel,-we generously call it the "Hollywood Hilton".  Upon arrival came the task of putting us all into rooms at the hotel.  A couple rooms had only a double bed,..so one set of men had to sleep in the same bed the first night.  My roommate, Ken, and I were fortunate to get a twin bed put up in our room.  So, we slept alone-:)  Room was adequate,..but often no electricity, nor hot water.  We all have brought power converters so we could charge our devices while sleeping.  Got to bed around 3am,..and had to get up at 6 for Pastor Jackson to take Ken & I to a bush church he leads, about 3 hrs. drive away.  We went to preach and to deliver clothing, shoes, and jewelry to about 120 orphans there. 

     On the way to Ntunda in the bush, we were joined by Suzanne, and African lady who works in the office of the President Museveni,..the President of Uganda.  She loves to volunteer her help with the orphans.
Trip was a huge blessing,......to the kids, pastor, and to US.   After a lunch of rice, greens, mystery meat, we drove back to Hotel Olympia, to rejoin our group.  All of us went to one of our local eateries there,. called The Bistro.  We lovingly call this place "The International House of Tilapia",..because they have a great tilapia dish on the menu.  Finally, we were back at the hotel for the evening.

     This time the Wifi is actually working,..PTL.  So, many of us spent time FaceTiming, Skyping, Vibering, and other means of calling our loved ones in America.  There is an 8 hr. time difference,..so sometimes we end up waking them up on the other end of the line.  It is so good just to hear their voices.

       With Pastor Jackson in the Ugandan bush, at his church.,..one of the orphans, too
            Giving out jewelry to orphan kids, after service....
      Greeting the Bush church gathering,...
     Team partner, Ken, preaching in bush church.

Such a blessing to see all these wonderful people again.  This is Africa!!

Wagezz (Rogers) African name

Journey to Africa, 2013
   Back home & bringing y'all up to date on Uganda Mission Trip:

FRIDAY, 8/23/13:
 Closing in on Entebbe, Uganda,..our final destination. 
     But first we must stop at Kigali, Rwanda,..we are now about 2 hours to go to Kigali, Rwanda, on KLM 0535.  On our way into Entebbe, Uganda, and then to Kampala, Uganda.  Mission trip to God Cares School & Orphanage,..to present week long Bible Camp to nearly 700 kids.  This is an annual event, and a highlight of our CrossTimbers Church Mission Team.  We'll stop at Kigali, for an hour, then fly about 45 minutes to Entebbe.

     This leg of the 20 hrs of flying has been harder on me.  For some reason I started aching all over, & a low grade fever.  Might have been because there was no sleeping on the first overnite flight we took.  The family with 4 babies kept us all awake...-:( 

     Into that setting came a picture in my mind of my fiancee, Linda-:)!  With her picture came the thought of the Advil she had packed for me,...so, I took 3 tablets, chased with lots of water and orange juice. That combo, plus sweet thoughts helped me to sleep hard for about 4 hours.  Now, I'll sleep the remaining 3 hrs., PTL.  I feel much better, too.
                             Trying to sleep on KLM overnite flight 9535 Amsterdam to Entebbe
                             185 of my tunes playing in my headset to soothe me..

Wagezz,...(Rogers-African name)


Sunday, September 1, 2013

SUNDAY MORN, 8/25/13
     Upearly wafter good sleep.  Heard Muslim prayers, broadcasting from Mosque nearby.  Rolled over & went back to sleep.

     Had b/fast with the Team,..eggs, toast, coffee, fresh pineapple.

     Samuel, our bus driver showed up at 7:45am to drive us the few kilometers to Dongo's church.  Once again we were thrilled & enthralled by the exuberant awesomeness of African worship.!!!  This was also the day for the big Engagement announcement of Jena, from our group, to Godfrey, an African son of Pastor Dongo.  The whole Team wore special outfits as we stood in as Jena's parents,-since her parents could not be there. The ceremony is wonderful, & altho just an Engagement announcement, it is complete with fine clothes, much joy, & even Engagement rings. Also, Pastor Dongo's younger daughter, Olivia, had her Engagement announcement ceremony at the same service.

     Following church we all walked perhaps a half mile for lunch at a Uganda place called "Chicken Tonite"..  It is a favorite of our Team.  While eating a BIG thunderstorm came up & POURED for over an hour.  When it finally slowed to a  drizzle, we were deciding how we'd get to our hotel,-about a mile away.  Someone we knew called a taxi fruend, & we shared a taxi with Africans.  It only cost us about ,.40c apiece.  Well worth it.

     That concluded the first half of Sunday, Aug. 25, 2013.
     Following soon will be a post re: 2nd half of that day...


Saturday, August 31, 2013

Back to Kampala,..with"wifi", sorta-:(!
Hey, all you peeps who follow this blog.  Have been off the grid for 6 days,..that is why no new posts.  Hang in there!!!

     With marginal wifi now, - just to tell you all's well, & Sunday, 9/01 we begin our 20+ hours of flying home.  As available I will be blogging our trip & experiences,-with pix
Sat. 8/31/13
  Back to Gore l with wifllkjji

Saturday, August 24, 2013

     Wonderfully Crazy Things Happen on Mission Trips!!!

     While in the midst of a L O N G flight on Delta/KLM from Detroit to Amsterdam, the flight attendant began talking with me & another Team member, Jason.  She mentioned the best selling book "Apples of Gold",..followed by "Leaves of Silver".  Sylvia,-her name,-said she buys numerous copies of the two wonderful Inspirational coffee table books.  These books she would give to friends, colleagues, & family at Christmas.  I shared with her that over my 35 year career, I sold liteally millions of those two books,..and thanked her for helping to support my family!  It turns out she would buy them at Christian Corner, Pasadena,..& later at Lighthouse Christian Store(s), in Pasadena & West Covina, Ca!!, two of my very favorite accounts.    Wow, we marveled together at the smallness of God's creation,...& how we were encouraging each other!!

     Later, while waiting to board our second KLM flight from Amsterdam to Kigali, Rwanda, I had the pleasure of a long talk with a business man from Kenya, who now lives in Rwanda. Had an inciteful conversation regardibg Africa, in general, & Congo, DRC, in particular.  Both he & I have extensive experience with that.

     Still later, & on the approx. 9 hour flight from Amsterdam to Entebbe, Uganda,..I met a young Congolese lady, who now lives & works in France.  Our connection was that she was on her way home to Goma, Congo,-to bury her mother.  Goma is a part of Congo where I grew up, & I know it very well.  We wished each other God's blessings.

     Last, but not least, today at a bush country church in Uganda near Lake Victoria, I had the surprise to meet Suzanne.  She is quite familiar with Congolese refugees in Kampala, Uganda, abd her job is in the offices of the President of Uganda, -Museveni.

     Topping it all off was a crowd of 130 Ugandan orphans, with whom we worshipped & praised God together!!  What joy to be able to give these kids,-on behalf of you, our donors,-clothes, shoes, necklaces, toothpaste & toothbrush kits.

     Words cannot express the joy of African Missions.
Thank you so much for your prayers, & support..

Saturday, 8/23, 2013
    Finally arrived in Uganda.  L o n g flights, & delays.

Arrived about 1AM & hotel, & finally to bed & 3AM.-:(-:(

Back up & 7am for trip(3hrs)- to Bush church.  Story later.

PTL, wifi still working....
Stay tuned,...lots to post in coming day...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Thursday or Friday, Who knows...mm
  Laying over in Amsterdam's Schiphol International Airport,..a huge crossroads of the world.  Landed in fog right down to the deck!!
     Served us small wiry grilled chicken,..or pasta "meal"!
     Several of our Team were seated in,-or near,-the 'baby zone' of the Airbus 330. Poor lady had 4 little ones under 6,..trying to keep all happy.  Suffice it to say,..not much sleeping for our Team. .....
     Hanging out, charging devices, eating, & wandering this giant airport.
On to ENTEBBE...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

THURSDAY, AUG 22, First flight leg

     Flight from Dallas to Detroit uneventful.....

Oh yeah,..one of our Team Members missed the flight out of Dallas.  So, now is scrambling to catch us at Detroit or Amsterdam!!

     For the right price from inquisitive souls, I can be persuaded to reveal the identity of the "missing link"-:)-:)!!

OR,..for the right price from said missing person, I can be persuaded to keep his/her anonymous-:)!

     Let the bidding begin....

On to Amsterdam....
First flight leg: Dallas-Detroit,
  Uneventful flight. Full plane.

OH YES,..one of our Team Members missed the flight from Dallas this morn.  Now, said member is scrambling to meet the rest of our Team, either in Detroit or Amsterdam!!

So, for the right price from inquisitive souls, I can be persuaded to diverge said tardy Team Member's identity....

OR, for the right price from the missing Team member, I can keep him/her anonymous!

Let the bidding begin...
       Thurs., 8/22/  013


Team is together awaiting first flight,-DFW-Detroit.  I scored an aisle, exit row,..how'd that happen??

Pray safety for our band of brothers & sisters...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 21,.....1Day from Showtime, Africa2013!!!

     Said goodbye to family & friends, & ready to rock n roll.  JWill need to be @ DFW airport early tomorrow morn for check-in & meeting up with CrossTimbers Missions Team.

     EXCITEMENT rules, today....

Stay tuned..

Monday, August 19, 2013

         2013 Journey to Africa-Again!!
CrossTimbers Missions Trip, Aug 2013 ,to Kampala, Uganda

     Our intrepid team of folks from CrossTimbers Church, in the greater Dallas-Ft. Worth area is growing more excited by the day!!  Our Mission is to lead the Annual Summer Christian Camp in the Kampala area,-for some 700 students, grade school thru high school,...from the surrounding bush, & God Cares Schools & Orphanages.  For some of the orphan kids, they've never experienced the love of Christ before!,...Buyamba, God Cares, Uganda makes that possible.

     Our Delta plane will lift off from DFW airport on Thursday, 8/22/13, bound for Detroit.  From there we transfer to KLM Airways, for the long hop over the North Pole, & on to Amsterdam.  After a long layover in Amsterdam, our band of 16 transfer to another KLM flight South to Kigali, Rwanda.  When we complete a45 min stopover in Kigali,..we fly on for one hour to our destination,- Entebbe, Uganda!!

     For the veterans on our Team, including myself, it is a chance to renew old, dear friendships in Uganda,-& meet many more new kids from the bush areas.  For the 'rookies' on our Team, it is a time of incredible excitement & joy.  ForALL our Team,-young or old,-the mission never fails to affect & change our life perspectives, in so many ways.

     Please pray for safe passage thru several areas of the world, fraught with unrest. Thank you for your support.

     We go to help effect change in the lives of Uganda's youth,..one child at a time!!

     Stay tuned,...as the Wifi permits,-"iffy" at best,- I'll continue to post to this blog, Facebook, & Twitter...

Rogers/Banuamazi(African Names)