Sunday, September 1, 2013

SUNDAY MORN, 8/25/13
     Upearly wafter good sleep.  Heard Muslim prayers, broadcasting from Mosque nearby.  Rolled over & went back to sleep.

     Had b/fast with the Team,..eggs, toast, coffee, fresh pineapple.

     Samuel, our bus driver showed up at 7:45am to drive us the few kilometers to Dongo's church.  Once again we were thrilled & enthralled by the exuberant awesomeness of African worship.!!!  This was also the day for the big Engagement announcement of Jena, from our group, to Godfrey, an African son of Pastor Dongo.  The whole Team wore special outfits as we stood in as Jena's parents,-since her parents could not be there. The ceremony is wonderful, & altho just an Engagement announcement, it is complete with fine clothes, much joy, & even Engagement rings. Also, Pastor Dongo's younger daughter, Olivia, had her Engagement announcement ceremony at the same service.

     Following church we all walked perhaps a half mile for lunch at a Uganda place called "Chicken Tonite"..  It is a favorite of our Team.  While eating a BIG thunderstorm came up & POURED for over an hour.  When it finally slowed to a  drizzle, we were deciding how we'd get to our hotel,-about a mile away.  Someone we knew called a taxi fruend, & we shared a taxi with Africans.  It only cost us about ,.40c apiece.  Well worth it.

     That concluded the first half of Sunday, Aug. 25, 2013.
     Following soon will be a post re: 2nd half of that day...
